Thursday, December 4, 2008

New beginning... A happy ending!

Well all good things come to an end...and so has this! I have just returned from the farewell function for my batch and this officially brings the MBA program to an end! And as I sit and think about the last one and a half years that have just whizzed past...there is really barely anything to regret and to be sad about.

Made some great great friends. In fact, I can almost pre-empt their thoughts! Have really grown over the past year and a half (literally as Mom still can’t understand what all I have been eating).

Today, when we were called on stage to say a few words about our time here at NUS MBA, for the first I was out of words! Honest! (I was shocked too)! Coz otherwise I can go on and on about how much I love this place.

I have friends from all over the world. People I would never have met if I had not decided to come here. Super smart, super nice. And the best part...they are genuine! No fakeness. I loved that about them. Just being together almost everyday during the program, having gone through the rigour together and having faced the same kind anxieties and insecurities definitely made us good friends and I will always cherish that! I know it’s easy to say now and difficult to do, but I really hope that we all stay in touch.

I was known as the eternal-optimist and I wish it continues to be so. So I don’t want to even focus on the negative aspects of my journey the last few years. My biggest takeaway from the increased confidence levels. I have actually started thinking before talking and for people who know me...that’s huge!

The MBA tag will stay with me for life and so will NUS. So for my own selfish purpose, I want to see the NUS MBA flourish, grow, scale new heights and more importantly, be known. Our students are truly phenomenal. Don’t know if it’s because of the rigour, opportunities and mix of people here, but whatever it is, it’s worth taking note of. In almost every major competition in the world, our students have bagged one of the top positions. And this has been happening for years.

Cerebration is very very close to my heart (and for obvious reasons). And for us to be able to organize an event of this scale and nature really speaks volumes of our capabilities, drive, passion, commitment and determination. I mean only we know what we had to go through to get 3 case sponsors. We tapped every channel we could and we achieved our target. I got to lead a team of people more experienced than me…a chance I would have never got this opportunity anywhere else.

And then Singapore. Love this city and am happy to be here. So all in all…I have no regrets. Just great memories. :)

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