Sunday, September 7, 2008

I wonder

By Dreamcatcher

Life and its growing cycles can be so strange.
The more one introspects, the more mysterious it gets.
Sadness is part of everyones life. And so is happiness.
Until we have experienced the prior, the latter is not appreciated.

As I smell the rising sun, I can choose to "wake up" or I can choose to "dream on".
Dreaming can make you happy, but snapping out of it is sometimes the best way.
How we all wish for a crystal ball reader, someone who would tell us
"The future is bright. It will all turn out exactly the way you wished and hoped it would be".

But reality and He have other plans for us, oh they can be such party poopers.
If only the party had all our guests, all our friends and all our loved ones.
If ever there was something that we could change,
We would all like to go back to the point where it was all going well.

I have been searching for that one key, that one little passage to my future.
Some place where all my imaginations are a reality.
Where music fills the air and the glow from happy faces lights up the room
A place where the pied piper is the happy soldier guiding sadness out through the city walls.

Sometimes anger can fill your heart, but you have to realize
That only leaves no room for love from our loved ones.
It's the grey cloud that stops rationality from waking up
Thundering words can cause more harm than good.

I believe in the future, I believe in luck.
Serendipity, I know will someday find its way.
But then again, the clouds overshadow me and I can't help
but wonder....


myPage said...

who has written this one, RO???is it ur original piece of work?

Dreamcatcher said...

Yup...all mine! :)