Thursday, September 18, 2008

The power of an Apple!

First of all, I would like to thank Amruta and our boring and long trips to the hospital for treatment (its a ligament stop thinking of me as insensitive :-P). Had it not been for our hour long wait today where I got this idea, I would not be writing a post on this subject. :-))

So let’s get to business.

Background: I jumped out of bed at 9 a.m. I didn’t want to get late again and be on the receiving end of Amruta's nagging. So while I did manage to get ready by 10 (somehow!!), I had no time to eat. So OF COURSE I was hungry at 11:37 p.m. while we were still waiting for the orthopaedic doctor to attend to us.

Stage: Alexandra Hospital has this sinfully large basket of red juicy apples kept on the registration counter of the emergency ward. It’s for the traumatized patients. But no such luck in the specialist (by appointment only) ward. (C’mon, jumping out of bed at 9 can be traumatizing!!).

The wisecrack: So when we realized that we weren’t as privileged as the traumatized patients, I passed one of my smart wisecracks, "Oh, the power of an Apple".

Now before you think that this statement was passed without any thought, well you are so mistaken. My "sharp" mind came up with this for the following reasons (yup I know its hard for you to believe, but it does process really fast sometimes):

1. Adam wooed Eve with an apple: Thanks to “an apple”, we are an entire population of over 6 billion today globally!!!
2. Apple and its health benefits have long been popularized with the saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away".
3. Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravity, thanks to "the apple" that fell of the tree.
4. And the best...."Apple" (aka Steve Job's Apple) products. If I was given a choice to make one advertisement in my life, I would happily make one for an iPod with a tagline "An iPod can change your life". I took to jogging, and snapped out of my blues a million times because the iPod is just so damn good! It is my motivator, my therapist and my all-season friend. And today, Apple products still rank as the most gifted products during Christmas. Again, "Apple" has been an expression of love.

So there you go, "an apple" has changed the face of the planet. Now really, do we want to contend with that???!!! ;)


myPage said...

:))lol...A perfect combination of philosophy and facts..All true indeed !N Nice observations :)

Bored Senseless said...

hahahahahha..this is so U Roh!!
I luv it!!
PS: if u guys want me to snap out of my life..u know what present i!!! ;)
PPS: so does ruchu!