Sunday, March 16, 2008

It's got to be perfect!

Two pieces of information caught my attention in today's edition of TOI:

1. "Third Sex is official in TN"
Finally on the path of "Live and Let live". In a country that specifies "Freedom of expression" in its constitution, its a good feeling that we are accepting the choices (natural or adopted) of people in the country. We are finally maturing to the fact that the world is changing and that people must express themselves without fear and not lead a life of quiet isolation and solitude. We are finally waking up to the fact that for any country to growth and succeed, we need to address issues of transsexuality and homosexualism. We cannot turn a deaf ear to the long SOS calls of transsexuals asking for a respectable social standing and equal social status and rights.

Tamil Nadu has taken this bold step (and hats off to them!) and now its time that the country follows suit. Of course I know and I am sure that the extremists of in our country are going to object to this and there are definitely going to be regressive and conservative people making a big hue and cry if it were to be adopted on a national level. Its happened in the past and it will continue to do so.

But tell me something...The constitution mentions that we have the freedom of expression as long as we don’t not interfere and take away this right from other citizens of the country. How the hell does an individual with certain preferences that does not fall in the category of "Male" or "Female" affect someone elses freedom of expression. In fact if nothing else, the growing HIV/AIDS numbers in our country can reduce. Transsexuals can lead a normal life and not lead a life in the hiding. The country can educate them and advocate precautionary steps and help stop the spread of this deadly disease that is spreading like wild fire. We can stop STDs. We need to put an end to the stigma attached with this. And I am proud that the country has taken a step in this direction. But one earnest request, DO NOT STOP JUST YET. The step has been taken and we need to take it forward from here. India is the largest HIV/AIDS population in the world. We should not sit and gloat on out laurels just yet.

2. "The New Haat for Mumbai"
This one is more personal :). Everyone who knows me well knows of my liking for handicrafts and home decor and accessories. And all my friends with me on the Delhi trip were witness to this mania when we visited Delhi Haat on a comfortable winter afternoon. The setting of Delhi Haat is perfect. The architect and the interior designer of Delhi Haat definitely deserve an applause. The have designed a perfect ambience where you cannot help but shop. So all you men out there...don’t catch us...catch the retail and design consultants of such places. We are merely going with the flow :)

And now Bombay is set to have its own version of the "Haat" and boy am I happy. And what more...its going to be close to my house!!! :D :D So that’s extra brownie points for it. So Mom, Dad..Please be prepared. Let’s just keep an extra cupboard in the know...just in case ;)

1 comment:

Bored Senseless said...

my god..i should just cut copy n it is exactly what i want to say!! well done...